Bottom goes on a journey

In light of the canvas works I have recently added to my shop, I thought I would share a short video from a painting made in 2014. In this year, I was particularly consumed by the concept of making art more public, and finding ways to view painting away from the white wall, even in fleeting moments such as this.

The idea was to simply walk outside with the painting, which led on to placing it in various situations within an urban context. The title of the painting ‘Bottom’ is referencing the character of Shakespeare’s Midnight Summers Dream, who provided a light-hearted comic relief to the play.

I like to imagine that here I play the role for myself, and can relieve some of my own agitations of creating and sharing work through the gesture of walking in public spaces with it.

This act also highlighted my own curiosities of surrounding chance. There was a small possibility of it being taken, or perhaps damaged, or starting up a conversation with a stranger!
Perhaps in future I’ll take all of my paintings for a walk (off the lead)!

Bottom is now for sale in my shop.
